Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Bryn

Here are a couple of more recent pics of Bryn. She is always happy and smiley! She recently went with me on her first shopping trip to Canton. She is a much better shopping buddy than the guys!

Owen turns 3!

Owen will be 3, tomorrow. He had so much fun at his party this weekend. Thank you so much to all of you that came!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

September flew by!

Okay...So it's been a while. September seemed to fly by! Owen Started Wee School and loves it. Bryan had a birthday, his 32nd. Bryn is now six months and doing great. I couldn't have asked for a better baby. We are so blessed!

Here is Owen & Cousin Parker having a blast on the slip'n'slide. Weeeeee!
One evening, Bryan and I found Owen sleeping in an unconventional spot. We're not quite sure how it happened...But we thought it was funny enough to share.

Here is Owen and his 2nd cousin Hunter playing. They had such a good time. I'm glad that we were able to visit with Hunter, Gayle & Jean while they were here dodging Hurricane Ike. I'm so glad they were safe!